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Planning Board Minutes 6/14/12
Minutes June 14, 2012 Planning Board Meeting

Members present: Alan Salamon, Roger Tryon, Stephen Enoch, Maggie Leonard
Public present: Dave Coffey from the Berkshire Record

The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. The minutes from 5-24-12 were read and approved as amended. The board welcomed Dave Coffey from the Berkshire Record. Dave read the agenda on the Town of Monterey web site and was interested in the Planning Board’s discussion for a solar energy bylaw. Board co-chair Maggie Leonard informed him that the discussion was very preliminary and that the board had just decided at the May 24th meeting to pursue a solar energy bylaw. Leonard explained that the board noticed some surrounding towns had proposals for solar installations and believed that it was the responsible thing to do in the interest of the town.

The board discussed what they believed to be important topics regarding a solar energy bylaw, including:
        Size with regard to either number of panels or acreage
        Height and height restrictions
        Overlay districts or specify prohibited areas

It was noted that the state only allows regulation of large-scale solar arrays and not roof mounted systems. Maggie said she would check the state of Mass web site and see if she can find the statute.

The board continued the solar energy discussion. Alan Salamon stated that someone must have been projecting that this is a profitable business and that is why projects are being pursued locally. Roger Tryon said that when research and design are promoted and subsidized by the government companies see that government money and go after it, and that it may not be profitable long term. Stephen Enoch added that a company that wanted to do a solar installation on 70 acres of Gould Farm land approached Gould Farm. Gould Farm turned down the offer.

Alan Salamon stated that it would be the responsible thing for the board to also pursue a wind energy bylaw. Enoch mentioned that the zoning bylaw revision currently at the office of the Attorney General provides site plan review for such projects so the town is not entirely unprotected. Leonard noted that BRPC has done a “template” bylaw for Berkshire County towns. Board members wondered which town it was done with/for and Leonard said that she would ask.

Dave Coffey asked the board about what to say about the solar energy bylaw, and Alan Salamon provided language: “We are in the preliminary stages of discussing a solar energy bylaw. Stephen Enoch added, “At present we have no guidelines with which to make a decision.” Enoch went on to explain the zoning bylaw adoption process to Coffey.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 p.m.